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Paul C. Schroeder
C.V. 02/2009

In August 2003 I completed a PhD in Spatial Information Science and Engineering at the University of Maine. The dissertation is available in .pdf format (size: 6 mb. +): Spatial Aspects of Metaphors for Information: Implications for Polycentric System Design.

This research proposes an alternative concept of information that emphasizes informational relationships over the prevailing notions of information as object or as resource. This view focuses on resonances among people who engage in a constant process of producing and sharing facts and ideas, and who are often related through small world connections and crooked, nonlinear paths. This concept has resulted in information visualization and management approaches that suggest the creation of question-centered learning environments.

One concrete outcome of this research was the creation of a "heuristic workspace" built within the Axon Idea Processor. The illustration below provides an overview of the geometric figures within this multidimensional space. If you would like to view this in its native environment, a free Axon viewer is available; download the 'Axon Lite' version at Axon Research. While at the Axon site, also check the many useful features that are provided with Axon. Please note that running Axon requires Windows.

After downloading Axon, you can retrieve a file that contains the workspace geometry by right-clicking here HeuristicWorkspace20080508.xon and saving the file to your computer. Then open it with the Axon Lite viewer. The file should open at Level 0 where you will see an interior view of the space and directions on full-figure viewing and rotation. More details are given in the thesis linked above (see especially Chapter 8). If you have any other questions or comments about this, you are welcome to contact me directly.

Another View

Another View, 2

Last updated: Feb. 4, 2009
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